An Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump
In the 2024 election, vaper voters and businesses stood up and made their voices heard.
Our campaign wasn’t just about nicotine; it was about protecting Americans’ access to flavored vaping products and saving our small businesses that are selling flavored vapes at a time when FDA and Big Tobacco have been trying to shut you down.
Now, it’s time to make sure that President Trump keeps the promise he made to us and saves our flavored vaping industry and your businesses.
VTA has prepared an open letter that will be delivered to President Trump asking him to take dramatic action. We need you—and every other vape business owner you know—to add your name to this letter. Whether you’re a retailer, distributor, wholesaler, supplier, or manufacturer, your role in this is crucial and we need you to sign this letter. Together, we will remind the President that his promise to save the flavored vaping industry is about protecting and supporting thousands of small businesses across our great country.
Please sign the letter today so we can show President Trump that small business owners are united in calling for action to save our vaping industry. It will take less than 30 seconds to add your name and submit.
Read the Full Letter Contents Here
Dear President Trump,
We write today as proud small business owners in the flavored vapor products industry who stood up and voted for you. Over the past four years, we have been targeted by the Biden administration’s FDA overreach, pushing small businesses, like ours, to the brink of bankruptcy. Our livelihoods, employees, and families have been put at risk — but your leadership gives us hope. We are excited by your return to office, your proven commitment to protecting hardworking Americans, and your promise to save our flavored vaping industry.
Essential to our businesses which serve tens of millions of adult consumers are flavored vaping products which, as you said, “greatly helped people get off smoking.” However, Biden’s FDA and DOJ holdovers are still conducting inspections and raids to remove all flavored vaping products from the market and launching legal actions shut us down to sabotage your promise to save flavored vapes.
Mr. President, your past actions and words have shown us that you understand the stakes. You were right when you said on Truth Social that, “Kamala and Joe want everything banned, killing small businesses all over the Country.” Small businesses like ours are the backbone of the American economy, and we trust you to keep your promise to protect us. We also stand with you in protecting public health and ensuring that flavored vaping products remain on the market.
We are confident that you will fix the broken FDA regulation at warp speed, but until then we need you to halt all the Biden bureaucrats at FDA, DOJ, CBP, and ATF, who are continuing Biden’s flavored vaping ban agenda, wasting and redirecting tens of millions of tax dollars searching for flavored vapes, rather than dangerous fentanyl and human traffickers at the border. This weaponization of government against taxpaying American small businesses must end until you can fix the broken system.
We know you will fight for us, as you always have. We need you to know that keeping your promise to “Save Vaping Again!” starts and ends with saving the small businesses and families that stood up for you by the hundreds of thousands. Please take decisive action by issuing an executive order to save flavored vapes, reform the broken Biden FDA regulatory process, and ensure a fair playing field for our small businesses.
Your vision for America — a nation that uplifts its entrepreneurs and values innovation — aligns perfectly with what we need to thrive. We know that under your leadership, small businesses can once again flourish. Thank you for standing with America’s entrepreneurs and for continuing to fight for the American Dream.
Let’s Make America Great and Healthy Again!
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