The Economic Impact of Vaping
The Vapor Industry Creates Jobs and Economic Activity in States and Congressional Districts Across The Country
The nicotine vapor industry is a dynamic part of the U.S. economy, accounting for about $22.09 billion in output or about 0.10 percent of GDP. It employs approximately 133,573 Americans who earned wages and benefits of about $7 billion.
Members of the industry and their employees paid $2.83 billion in federal, state and local taxes. This does not include state and local sales taxes or excise taxes that may apply for specific retail purchases which are estimated to total $1.88 billion.
Independent Reports and Publications
Impact of Synthetic
Regulation in Federal Omnibus 2022
Follow @VaporTechAssoc
🛎️The @FDAtobacco is following a political agenda instead of the science and taking away Americans’ freedom to access #nicotinealternatives
Teen vaping in the U.S. has dropped to its lowest level in a decade, according to a government survey.
NEW CDC DATA ON YOUTH VAPING: ⬇ 71% since 2019. Only 1.7% of youth are "frequent" vapers, despite @FDATobacco's claims. They have no excuse for failing to authorize flavored e-cigarettes for the tens of millions of adults trying to quit…
VTA’s Executive Director, Tony Abboud, responds to the common misconception that the FDA’s PMTA process is working as intended.
VTA’s Executive Director, Tony Abboud, responds to the common misconception that the @FDATobacco believes in, and is supportive of, tobacco harm reduction.
VTA’s Executive Director, Tony Abboud, responded to the common misconception that the FDA believes in, and is supportive of, tobacco harm reduction.
🚨 Biden's FDA is a HOT MESS! 🚨 Approving thousands of new cigarettes but blocking flavored vapes that help people quit smoking. 🙄 Time for a change! #FDAMess #VapingSavesLives #BidenFail
🚨 MYTH: There’s a youth vaping epidemic. FACT: Youth vaping rates dropped to 7.7% in 2023, the lowest in a decade! The youth vaping scare is a tactic to mislead Americans. 🙄 #FakeNews #VapeFacts
The FDA and Big Tobacco have the same goal: encouraging Americans to use cigarettes.
Last week, VTA took our fight to the Democratic National Convention. At the DNC, VTA had impactful conversations and hosted and sponsored events across the four-day convention. VTA was proud to sponsor events for the @CBCFInc , @dscc, Choose Atlanta,…
The FDA claims flavored vapes increase smoking. Reality: Regions with vape bans saw a rise in cigarette sales. 😤 Stop the misinformation! #FDAFail #VapingSavesLives
FDA Commissioner Califf: “Quitting tobacco is best.” Also Califf: Approves 821 new cigarettes in 2023 alone. 🤔 Sounds a little… hypocritical? #FDAFail #HarmReductionNow
Laws like KY's HB 11 are having a devastating impact on American vapers across the country.
VTA is proud to champion policies, like Illinois's, that protect our kids while maintaining access to a healthier alternative to combustible cigarettes for adults.
💔 Lower-income, African American, LGBTQ+, mental health, and addiction-afflicted communities are forgotten by policymakers. Smoking is the #1 cause of preventable death in the U.S.! 🛑 @FDAtobacco, time to approve life-saving vapor products! #PolicyFail #SaveLives
🏢 A vaping ban will shut down small businesses, costing thousands of jobs and billions in tax revenue. The FDA is endangering public health by blocking effective smoking cessation tools! 💸
🚨 FAKE NEWS 🚨 This story spreads dangerous misinformation that could lead to more cigarette-related death and disease.
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