VTA Issues Statement Criticizing FDA Inspection Blitz Announcement

Published on June 25, 2023
Vapor Trade Group Warns Against What it Says Is FDA Misinformation That Jeopardizes Harm Reduction Mission
WASHINGTON, June 23, 2023 (Newswire) – Following the FDA’s announcement of what it called a “nationwide retailer inspection blitz” which targeted 189 small business retailers, Vapor Technology Association Executive Director Tony Abboud released the following statement:
“The actions this week by the FDA demonstrate once again that it has no control over the market it is charged with regulating. FDA’s announcement unfairly targets small business owners while offering its tacit support of the biggest companies. FDA currently operates with a de facto policy to remove all non-tobacco flavored vaping products from the market, while it continues to approve combustible tobacco products at an alarming rate. FDA has a responsibility to create a marketplace that allows the most innovative products that adults actually want to use, not arbitrarily pick winners and losers due to pressure from political officials.”
FDA synchronized its “blitz” announcement with not one, but two CDC reports, which misrepresent the real trends in youth vaping. One study cited by FDA was conducted with an agenda driven special interest group and funded by a prominent billionaire. The CDC’s own National Youth Tobacco Survey has shown the dramatic reduction in youth e-cigarette use. Since its peak in 2019, vaping is down 50% amongst high schoolers and 70% amongst middle schoolers, and now sits at 2014 levels.
In fact, Brian King, the Director of the Center for Tobacco Policy (CTP), has stated publicly that CTP no longer considers youth vaping an epidemic. This is welcome news. And given these facts, the reported “rise” in flavored vape sales must necessarily be amongst adults who either desire or need less harmful alternatives to cigarettes.
“FDA has also misused scant data from a second CDC study to sensationalize the risk to small children by claiming a supposed increase in poison control calls – the overwhelming majority of which – 99.8% – had no major effect. This sleight of hand is being used to justify its actions against just one product while at the same time ignoring the data showing two other vaping products owned by cigarette companies were also specifically identified in the study.”
Given the known dangers of smoking, FDA must take a stronger stance on cigarettes than it does on vaping. Instead, the FDA has authorized the sale of 900 new cigarette products, two-thirds of which are owned by the biggest tobacco companies. The FDA can no longer, in good conscience, continue down this path.
34 million adults are addicted to cigarettes – the only product which when used as intended will kill you. By selectively targeting vaping, FDA is working overtime to eliminate effective harm reduction options for adults and ensuring the only option for many will be to continue smoking.”
About VTA
The Vapor Technology Association is the U.S. industry trade association whose members are dedicated to sound science-based regulation and selling innovative high-quality vapor products that provide adult smokers with a better alternative to combustible cigarettes. VTA represents the industry-leading manufacturers of vapor devices, e-liquids, and flavorings, as well as the distributors and retailers, including hardworking American mom-and-pop brick-and-mortar retail store owners.