VTA Statement: Response to the FDA’s Latest Attempt to Ban Flavored Vapes Via Import “Red List”

Published on December 23, 2024
WASHINGTON – December 23, 2024 – Over the past few days, the Biden Administration’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and, specifically, Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), put their dire and total incompetence on display by quietly releasing a series of unclear and contradictory import red lists (Import Alert 96-06 and 96-07). These “alerts,” released just days before Christmas to hide their scheme, are a clear last ditch effort by CTP Director Brian King and the Biden Administration to use their waning days of power to ban flavored vaping products, effectively shutting down tens of thousands of small businesses and sabotaging President-elect Donald Trump’s promise to save flavored vaping.
The current revised alerts place the broadest barrier possible on entry of nicotine alternatives into the U.S. in an attempt to stop all e-cigarette and nicotine pouch products from reaching the millions of Americans who depend on them to quit smoking. CTP’s clumsy rollout of these alerts emphasizes its continuing rabid desire to ban products and is the latest example of this administration incompetently moving the goal posts and manipulating the market into a frenzy of confusion in order to ensure they leave President Trump with an even broader regulatory disaster when he enters office. Enough is enough. It is time that the unelected bureaucrats put down their pens and stop acting as if the election did not rebuke their policies and agenda.
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